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My husband and I have in-depth conversations about how what we think about directly affects how we act and ultimately how we live our lives.

The brain/mind is a powerful tool. What if we really paid close attention to how we use this powerful tool? What would we learn?

I believe we would learn that we are more powerful and amazing than we could ever imagine. Our thoughts control our lives in multiple ways but let's discuss the way our thoughts control our overall health.

When we think of negative things, we tend to experience stress and anxiety. That stress and anxiety then turns into illness and disease. In essence we, as humans, have the ability to think ourselves sick. It's true!

On the other hand, what if we thought of more positive and uplifting things? What would then happen to our overall health? Well, the obvious answer is this. If we have the ability to think ourselves into sickness/illness than we surely have the ability to think ourselves into wellness and overall good health.

The next time you are in a stressful situation, I invite you to change the way you are thinking. I invite you to focus on something positive and go into a state of meditation. Over time you will see the benefits of changing your thoughts. Overtime you will begin to see your health change for the better.

When you think better - you LIVE BETTER!


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You don't have to be a practicing Buddhist to understand and incorporate the principles of obtaining inner-peace and cultivating a fulfilled life.

As we travel through life, we eventually come to a point where our mind, body and soul longs for "peace". That "peace" we are longing for comes from within.

Living ethically, practicing meditation, and gaining the wisdom to see things as they truly are gives us the ability to live a calmer, more emotionally stable, peaceful and happier life.

Anyone can attain this! With effort and dedication along with getting rid of old ways of thinking and navigating life, peace is right at your fingertips.

It takes your desire, willingness to step away from what you've always done and your ability to not internalize things you have no control over.

Noble Eightfold Path:

  1. Right View: Our actions have consequences

  2. Right Intention: Clarifying your "why"

  3. Right Speech: Refrain from lying and communicate clearly - Cease from harming others with our words

  4. Right Action: Cease from harming others physically

  5. Right Livelihood: Choose a line of work that resonates with your authentic self

  6. Right Effort: Finding the balance between agitation and dullness

  7. Right Concentration: Withdraw from distractions and things that cause you harm

  8. Right Mindfulness: Avoid doing things, saying things, thinking things that cause harm to yourself and others

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What is "Lesson's from the Lotus" all about?

The Lotus flower is part of the Nelumbo genus (a genus of aquatic plants with large, showy flowers) family. The Lotus flower symbolizes rising from a dark place into beauty and rebirth. The Shanti Experience describes this as "transformation". Just like the Lotus flower, every human has the power to transform from a state of darkness into beauty and rebirth as we embrace our power within.

There are many lesson's we can learn from the Lotus. The Lotus embraces the journey; growing from the dark mud into a beautiful flower full of color, strength and enlightenment. We encourage you to rise, bloom and inspire just like the Lotus.

We will share the many lessons we can learn from the Lotus. We look forward to connecting with you.


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